There had been virtually a pandemonium in early 90's about equal rights for males and females and subsequently for one third reservation in parliament for women. Now with return of congress, famous for their reservations of all kind the furor has returned.Do really reservations may it be for women or scheduled caste really something worthy and do they achieve their objectives is something we should think upon atleast when this reservation story has completed 50years of 'glory'.
I will compare this reservation story to my title about the non-existent cockroaches who were to be given the right to speak. The reservations originally brought about by Mahatma Gandhi to ennoble the 'harijans' and bring them in to the mainstream of population and subsequently to bring about equality in the society giving opportunity to even the most deprived ones.
The real story today, a bunch of educated and aware people use the opportunity of reservations for generations each time fooling the government by underquoting their salaries. They become richer and richer and add to the workforce more and more talentless people.Today every government office you can find people who still dont know what they are doing and what they should be doing ? I wont say that Indian government is not aware of this. They had started many think tanks to discuss and identify troubles in the reservations............but committees got confined only to the committee rooms.
Cure : I believe the government should understand that its high time to change its look towards reservations.Reservations must be allowed in the social setup but must be based only on income. The less income groups should get reservations not anybody else.
Welcome to blogger Arjun!
And all the best for CAT...
Thanx Rahul
Best of luck for u too
Welcome to bloggesville man... Stay puts...
And dont look at me through that Nirashakamukan Kaleidoscope dude... It was the whisky doing the talking there...
("People start blogging because they are in love or they are writing CAT..." So how about you...)
CAT engene undaayirunnu???
Great one buddy !!
God help you though if some feminist dumbo leader decides to sue you for the metaphorical anology to scandinavian coakroaches that you apparently seem to have drawn.. :P
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